Monday, April 27, 2009

Lenoir County Leaders Work to Better Economic Partnership with South Korea

As the global recession continues to plague economies at home and abroad, local and state officials are working to establish better working relationships with internationanl markets.

The partnership between North Carolina and South Korean markets has improved in recent years. The state exports tobacco, cotton and corn to South Korea, which has enabled NC to become South Korea's 11th largest exporter of goods and services this year. The state exported nearly $575 million worth of goods to South Korea last year.

Eastern North Carolina's Global TransPark is encouraged to be evaluated as a place to ship pork products from North Carolina to South Korea. The Global TransPark is one of seven approved general purpose Foreign-Trade Zones in the state and Lenoir County is one of only six locations in the state that has been designated an "Export Ready" site by the NC Department of Commerce. International markets are using the trade zones to ship their goods without charge to other ports nationwide.

To view the full article, please visit ENC Today.